Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marathon Training

So I've finally made the commitment to run a full (26.2 miles) marathon and have signed up for the Albany Snickers Marathon Energy Bar Marathon. Now that is a mouth full.. We just call it "The Snickers". LOL..
I joined the local Jeff Galloway training group, Albany Run Walk on August 21, and we just completed our longest group run of 8 miles!!! I have run several half-marathons before so this was not my longest run, but for a lot of the group it was their longest. Really great group and it sure helps gettting those long runs in when there are others there to share in the training. Hardest part - getting up so early on a Saturday. Currently we are running at 7AM, which means I have to be up at 5:30 to get everything 'working'.. Week 8 we will run 4 miles and do our magic mile (run 1 mile for time). The magic mile helps you know which pace group is best for you.
My next race will be on Oct. 30 in Albany - The Riverfront Run - 5K race.
So follow along as my training continues for the next 5 months.. !!!!

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